Mercedes Benz Model (107) R107 - C107

280/300/350/380/420/450/500/560 SL's & SLC's
Mercedes Benz Series R107 SL Roadster C107 SLC Coupe
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"why walk when you can boogaloo"
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Mercedes Benz 107 - R107 Roadster C107 Coupe Models
Index of Roadster Series R107 Mercedes Benz SL's |
Model | Years Built | Markets | Produced |
280SL Roadster | 1971-1985 | U.S. Markets | 25,436 |
300SL Roadster | 1985-1989 | Europe Markets | 13,742 |
350SL Roadster | 1971-1980 | 15,304 | |
380SL Roadster | 1981-1985 | U.S. Markets | 53,200 |
US badged 350SL in 1972 only, 450SL thereafter | |||
450SL Roadster | 1972-1980 | U.S. Markets | 2,148 |
420SL Roadster | 1985-1989 | Europe Markets | 66,298 |
500SL Roadster | 1980-1989 | Europe Markets | 11,812 |
560SL Roadster | 1986-1989 | U.S. Markets | 49,347 |
Index of Coupe Series C107 Mercedes Benz SLC's |
280SLC Coupe | 1974-1981 | U.S. Markets | 10,666 |
350SLC Coupe | 1972-1980 | Europe Markets | 13,925 |
380SLC Coupe | 1980-1981 | U.S. Markets | 3,789 |
450SLC Coupe | 1972-1980 | U.S. Markets | 31,739 |
500SLC Coupe | 1980-1981 | Europe Markets | 2,769 |
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